Pet Tips, Dog Health

Can Dogs Drink Tea?

April 23, 2022

dogs teaAs for Kitsune, Make His Tea!

Some Types Of Tea Are Safe – Even Beneficial For Dogs!

Today’s post is all about tea!  Have you ever given your dog tea?  For a long time I was unaware that there are types of teas that are safe for pets.  The first pet I ever gave tea to was one of my past rabbits.  He was suffering from stomach issues, and his vet recommended I try offering some chamomile tea.  Since then, I’ve learned that some types of teas are dog safe as well!

Looking for more ideas for healthy “human” foods you can share with your dog?  Check out my other blogging from A to Z challenge posts!

What Types Of Teas Are Safe?

Chamomile tea, as mentioned above, is safe for dogs (and rabbits too).  This is the type of tea I occasionally give my pets, although there are others that are safe.  Generally teas that are safe will be herbal teas that contain no caffeine.  Echinacea, Licorice root, ginger, peppermint, and Rooibos tea are all suppose to be not only safe for dogs, but beneficial as well.

Make sure to read the ingredients thoroughly before offering tea to your pet.  Do not offer tea if you aren’t sure that all the ingredients are dog safe.  Some herbal teas contain multiple types of herbs – some dog friendly, but some not.  The main danger with most teas is that they contain caffeine.  Caffeine is toxic to dogs.  If you have a dog that is in any way compromised, especially if he/she suffers from liver issues, consult your vet before adding tea to your pet’s diet.  It is possible for dogs to be allergic to the herbs used in herbal teas so keep an especially close eye on them after offering tea for the first time.

What Are The Benefits?

dogs teaThe benefits of giving your dog tea really depends on what type you are offering.  Chamomile tea can be as soothing to dogs as it is to people.  Chamomile tea is good for helping to heal upset stomachs.  It can also be applied topically to help reduce itching and inflammation.

Echinacea tea is thought to help boost the immune system.  Ginger tea, like chamomile, can help soothe upset stomachs.  Licorice root tea works as an anti-inflammatory, and may be able to help dogs suffering with joint inflammation.  It’s also soothing to the skin if applied topically.  Rooibos tea is another immune system booster and can also be very soothing.  Peppermint tea is another one that can help upset stomachs and other digestive issues, and it can also help to freshen your pet’s breath.

How To Offer Dogs Tea:

dogs teaMy dogs have their own teacup.  How adorable is that?

Don’t offer too much tea at once, especially if your dog has never had it before.  I offer my dogs plain tea only, and usually try to brew it on the weak side.  Some dogs are lactose intolerant, so wouldn’t handle milk well.  Sugar, another common tea additive, commonly causes stomach troubles.  I said it before but I’ll say it again, make sure not to offer tea with caffeine because caffeine is toxic to dogs.

Normally I’ll offer tea by itself in a bowl (read: dog teacup!), but it can also be added to your pet’s food.  When I give my own dogs, Kitsune and Fenrir, tea, I usually leave it in a bowl next to their water bowl.  That way they get to decide for themselves whether they want to drink tea, or water.  Perhaps surprisingly (at least it was to me), both of my dogs commonly opt to drink tea over water when given the option.  Still, it’s important to make sure your dog always has access to fresh, clean water.  And, this probably goes without saying, but don’t give your dogs hot tea!  Always allow it to cool before offering tea to your furry friend.

I’d love to hear from you!  Have you ever offered your dog tea?  Did he/she like it?  If you offered it to help with a health ailment, such as an upset stomach, do you think the tea helped?

dogs tea

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  • Reply Ruth Epstein April 23, 2022 at 1:12 pm

    Layla gets RooiBos tea in her food which is very healthy, in the US they call it Red Bush tea, I drink it all the time and swear by it. I also give her green tea.

  • Reply Terri April 23, 2022 at 11:26 pm

    Oh my goodness! I had no idea dogs could have tea. I LOVE tea. I’m going to brew Henry some chamomile tea tomorrow. I really like the idea of putting it by the water bowl and letting the dog decide. That’s a great idea! I’ll definitely do that as well. Henry might be a huge tea drinker like me. Truly great information!

  • Reply Beth April 24, 2022 at 3:39 pm

    I sometimes make chamomile tea for my dogs, they seem to like it. They also like marigold tea that a holistic dog blogger recommended.

  • Reply Robin April 24, 2022 at 5:47 pm

    This is awesome as I am a huge tea drinker. I don’t really offer my cats tea, but they do steal it from time to time. Most of my teas are herbal and I drink them straight, so I’m not usually worried when Manna and Dexter take a sip. Sometimes I make catnip tea and that one is a hit as you can imagine. Catnip is a type of mint, so it’s very mint tea-like.

  • Reply Kamira Gayle April 25, 2022 at 8:04 am

    Wow. I learned something new today. I had no idea dogs (and other pets) could drink tea. I find it interesting that many of the same teas we drink to ease ailments also apply to dogs. This is a great alternative to traditional medicine. I’m glad your dogs embrace having tea once in a while.

  • Reply Marjorie Dawson May 2, 2022 at 4:01 pm

    It’s good to know herbal teas work for dogs as well as people. We often use ginger for stomach issues ourselves so knowing it would be good for pets is really interesting! It’s interesting that your pups prefer a cuppa to their water sometimes!

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