Pet Tips, Dog Health

Nationwide Low Cost Spay and Neuter Programs

August 22, 2022

Millions of homeless pets are euthanized in animal shelters each year. One sure way to make sure that your beloved pets do not contribute to this tragic number is to get them spayed or neutered. However, depending on where you live and what type of pet you have, the surgery to have your pet fixed can be quite expensive.  Luckily, there are a number of different programs that offer lower cost spaying or neutering services.

What programs are available to you will most likely depend on factors such as what type of pet you have and where you live.

While there are some nation wide assistance programs, there are many more location specific programs that you may qualify for.  This post is going to focus mostly on nation wide programs.  However, if for some reason any of the organizations listed here can’t help you don’t give up hope!  Your local veterinarian or animal shelter should be able to advise you about any programs specific to your area.

  • Friends of Animals offers a national low cost program.  You can purchase a low cost certificate from their website and use it as payment for your pet’s surgery with a participating veterinarian.
  • Spay USA is a nation wide referral program that works to help connect pet owners with local low cost programs.
  • Most states will have local low cost spay and neuter services available to residents of that state.  There’s too many to list here!  If you are searching for a program in your area, besides talking to your local vet/animal shelter and doing a general Google search, you can also check out the search tools offered by the ASPCA, and/or The Humane Society.

Spaying/neutering is a surefire way to make sure your pet doesn’t contribute to the insane pet overpopulation problem.  However, I think it’s important to note that, as with anything, fixing your pet comes with both pros and cons.  Do your research when deciding how long you should wait before fixing your pet.  Personally, going forward, I will always wait until my pets are fully mature before fixing them.  However, what’s right for you and your pets will depend on your individual situation!

If you are aware of any nation wide low cost spay and neuter assistance programs that I left out please comment below!  I will add them to our list.

low cost spay and neuter

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